Whatever CHALLENGES you are going through, have you ever considered that everything happens for a reason?
What if your Soul has „booked“ these experiences? Experiences that teach you certain life lessons. Life experiences somewhere along the spectrums of FEAR vs. LOVE, SCARCITY vs. ABUNDANCE, VICTIM vs. POWER Consciousness.
There is a POWERFUL CONNECTION between what is happening in your life and your SOUL JOURNEY, also referred to as SOUL PURPOSE. Understanding why certain things "had to happen" brings FOCUS & CLARITY, where you are meant to go (next) in your life & with whom.
In our first ever 6-weeks Online LAB SOUL MAPPING you will be guided to go all in to KNOW THYSELF.
SOUL MAPPING | 6-weeks online Lab |
Be part of a SMALL GROUP of beautiful Souls to
Wednesday 19. June @7pm CET (1pmEST) in ENGLISH
Thursday 20. June @7pm CET (1pmEST) in GERMAN